Subject: Bald Eagle Dimensions (inches): 11 x 17 Medium: Acrylic on Birch Description: While travelling down east in the Maritimes, I saw many bald eagles in flight and perched in trees. Along the mountainous Cabot Trail and on a boat tour in the Atlantic I was able to take many photographic references from various heights and angles. On the boat tour, the guide would throw out fish in order for the eagles to swoop down to catch their prey with their sharp talons. Eagles have incredible vision, four times the sharpness of humans, able to see prey with clarity from a couple kilometers away. They soar high above forests and large bodies of water, overseeing all the land and animals below. For this composition, I used the dark underside of the wing merely as a background, intentionally highlighting the face as the focal point rather than emphasizing the wingspan as many other paintings have already done.
Original Available For Sale:
Limited Edition Available:
Edition Size: 150 Price: $100.00 US
Direct Correspondence to:
Josh Tiessen c/o Josh Tiessen Studio Gallery
148 King St. E. Stoney Creek, Ontario
Canada L8G 1L5 Tel: 905-664-5049