Kim Kanoa Duffek
 Wildlife art and illustration |
Here Today...
Subject: Rufous-winged sparrow in dune habitat
Dimensions (inches): 30 x 24
Medium: acrylic on masonite
Description: Here Today... In my last moments in the San Carlos area, with my gear on the bus and the other artists loading their luggage, I ran down to the narrow strip of dune for one last shot of some Desert thorn-apple (Datura discolor) flowers and Desert sand verbena (Abronia villosa). As I crouched to photograph the blooms some movement caught my eye as a rufous-winged sparrow (Peucaea carpalis) flew in to pick at some Golden crownbeard (Verbesina encelioides) seeds near me. Rufous-winged sparrows have a narrow range through Sonora and Arizona. Unfortunately the range of invasive Bufflegrass (Cenchrus ciliaris) from Africa overlaps the birds' Sonoran Desert range almost entirely. Planted for cattle, the fire-adapted grass burns hot when ignited. Native Sonoran Desert vegetation did not evolve with fire and does not survive the inferno, but the Bufflegrass thrives. Without healthy habitat the ranges of native animals and the plants they depend upon are shrinking. I chose to depict this bird in that delicate strip of dune habitat, a habitat severely encroached upon by human development and, yes, Bufflegrass.
Original Available For Sale:
Limited Edition Available:
Details: 20 x 16 inches S/N giclee on canvas or watercolor paper, unframed, not stretched. Postage and sales tax included. Printed on demand, so please allow four weeks for delivery. Payment must be received before shipment. Please email us if you have any questions.
Edition Size: 50 Price: $200.00 US
Conservation Committment: 5% (Artist commits to donating the indicated portion of proceeds to conservation)
This artwork is dedicated to: Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Direct Correspondence to:
Kim Duffek
c/o Kanoa
PO Box 86691 Tucson, AZ
USA 85754-6691
Tel: 520 743 7905
Email: kanoasart@mac.com
