Living Proof
Subject: Plains Bison Dimensions (inches): 48 x 60 Medium: acrylic on canvas Description: I wanted to portray the Plains Bison on a large canvas and to make it a very dominant painting among all of my other work I have created to date. I created this painting to act as a true celebration of conservation efforts that have existed in Canada in the past and present. We all know that Bison were just about wiped off this earth by the turn of the twentieth century. Over a hundred years later we see how hope, passion, and determination can bring back a species from the brink of extinction. The Bison are likely the best example of this in history! I titled this painting 'Living Proof' to give us all hope for a brighter future for our planet as the Bison truly stand as living proof that believing in ones self and positivity can go a long way.
Original Available For Sale:
Limited Edition Available:
Conservation Committment: 15% (Artist commits to donating the indicated portion of proceeds to conservation)