Robert McLellan Bateman
O.C., O.B.C., R.C.A., D.F.A., D. Litt., D. Sc., LL.D., B.A., SAA, AFC
Wildlife Paintings and Conservation |
Subject: architecture
Dimensions (inches): 36 x 36
Medium: acrylic on canvas
Description: Back in the 70s Joni Mitchell wrote and sang 'The Big Yellow Taxi'. The title still puzzles me but the theme could be my theme song of my ranting speeches since the 1960s … 'Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got till it's gone. You pave paradise and put up a parking lot.'
The first public exhibition of my work was in 1967. That was Canada's centennial year. I painted subjects from Halton County, where I lived in Ontario, which were there in 1867 and had lasted for 100 years, so until 1967. These were our natural heritage and our human heritage. However within the following 10 years most of our human heritage had been torn down and been replaced by what I called 'The Instant Pudding World'. It could be described as slick, smooth, sweet, quick and very convenient. It all comes in packages like subdivisions and shopping malls.
Original Available For Sale:
Limited Edition Available:
Direct Correspondence to:
Robert Bateman
PO Box 115 Fulford Harbour Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
Canada V8K 2P2