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Tuesday, February 11, 2025 date
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In Memorium
David Shepherd
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Wildlife Art
We share this planet with every living creature and through my art I have striven to give something back to the amazing animals that helped to bring me success as an artist. This ethos of giving back is something that I, and my wildlife foundation, promote through our Art for Conservation programm which includes our annual Wildlife Artist of the Year competition. Helping to protect the beautiful flora and fauna of this planet through art has given me a lifetime of pleasure as an artist and as a conservationist. David passed away last year and will be missed although his work carries on

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David Shepherd...
Lyn Ellison
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Australian, African Wildlife, Owls Worldwide
I suppose I am a product of my environment. If I had not moved to my home in south east Queensland I may never have become a wildlife artist.When I arrived I was a potter and sculptor and not especially focused on wildlife but then I found black cockatoos and king parrots in my garden and PLATYPUS in the river. I was captivated! 20 years down the track I am still captivated, still learning and still painting wildlife!

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Lyn Ellison...
Michelle Mara
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Wildlife Paintings
Michelle considers North American wilderness and wildlife to be one of this planet's most priceless treasures. She is especially interested in the northern regions and does extensive field research throughout, striving not only to create exquisite art but also to capture the individual character of each animal subject in its natural habitat.

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Michelle Mara...
Kenneth Helgren
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Wildlife in their Native Habitat - American West
Kenneth Helgren simply enjoys painting the beauty of our natural world. The native wildlife of Texas and the North American landscape are the primary subjects of his paintings, but he also enjoys painting the animals of Africa or historical subjects of the American West for a "change of pace," as he puts it.

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Kenneth Helgren...
Linda Walker
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Oil & Scratchboard
"Painting is my passion and animals my heart. I cannot think of anything better than combining the two. I am so grateful that I've found this way to express and communicate my love of our environment in a medium that is so personally satisfying. Traveling domestically and abroad has sealed my commitment to supporting my chosen career. "

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Linda Walker...
Naomi Siegmann
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

sculpture relating to nature
Many artists express their concern for the planet through their art work. I am no exception. My concern for the future is due to our disregard for our planet which will outlast us and will prosper very well without humans. However, humanity is at risk due to global warming, and there is really very little we can do to reverse this trend. We can, however, apppeal individually to people through our artwork, encourage them to become more aware of their surroundings, and teach them to respect all the elements of our 'home' A good part of my work incorporates recycling. Our throw-away culture produces hundreds of tons of garbage, much of it reaching our rivers and oceans, killing birds and other marine-life. Even the innocuous party balloon can end up in the ocean and cause some creature's death. And yet, there IS something we can each do to mitigate this problem; replant our forests, recycle our waste, and evolve our thinking and our lives to better care for and sustain what is left of the environment that spawned us. We can all do something to mitigate this problem by replanting our forests, recycle our waste and adjust our thinking and our lives to sustain what is left of the environment that spawned us.

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Naomi Siegmann...
Murray Phillips
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Painting the western wilderness
I view my art as a language, an effort to translate my experience in the wilderness. It is an attempt to communicate wildness in its many forms; to narrate my encounter with wildness. I am trying to seduce you into experiencing the wilderness. It is a story. But I only get to tell half the story, I never write the conclusion. That is up to you.

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Murray Phillips...
Pollyanna Pickering
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Painter of the Living World
Pollyanna is recognised as one of Europe's foremost wildlife artists. She is the most published fine artist in the UK, and her original paintings hang in corporate and private collections throughout the world from Australia to Siberia.
Pollyanna is however most pleased when her work can be used to support causes close to her heart, and work has been commissioned and published by every major animal charity including WWF, the RSPB, IFAW, Cats Protection, The Born Free Foundation, and Guide Dogs for the Blind.

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Pollyanna Pickering...
Judy Scotchford
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

African subjects, Childrens Portraits, Cultural portraits & wi
Judy began her artistic pursuits with a keen interest in indigenous Australian wildlife and was President of the Qld. Wildlife Artist Society in 1987 to '89 and has kept a keen interest in many Australasian wildlife projects, however, her first trip to Africa in '97 had a huge inspirational impact on her art and the major focus of her work has changed to African subjects, the people as well as the wildlife. Judy has managed to return to Africa several times, often with fellow artists Lyn Ellison and Peta Boyce and together they hold a 'Brush with Africa' art exhibition every 2nd year. We are sad that Judy passed away on May 27. 2015

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Judy Scotchford...
Herb Simeone
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Wildlife Oil Paintings
We were saddened to learn that Herb has recently passed away. We do however celebrate Herb's artwork as well as his life. "I remember one evening, standing on the deck of my house at sunset I heard an unusual sound. It was faint at first and grew steadily louder. From the east, hundreds of geese, flying at tree-top level came directly over head. One of the formations was flying in the valley just below the deck. It was impressive. This is the kind of happening that inspires me."

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Herb Simeone...
Sarah Baselici
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Nature, Wildlife and Endangered Species
Sarah is always studying and trying to find ways to help mother nature, but her favorite is the 2 weeks each February she spends studying, painting and photograhing the wildlife on Sanibel Island, Florida. Sarah uses her art to teach people of all ages about protecting the earth and all that share it.

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Sarah Baselici...
Simon Combes
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

African Wildlife
In three decades Simon Combes achieved worldwide success, countless commissions and many prestigious awards—including the Society of Animal Artists' Award of Excellence. He was chosen "Artist of the Year" for the 1994 Pacific Rim Wildlife Art Show. The success of his work has aided Combes as he sought to raise awareness of wildlife conservation. Simon was killed in a tragic accident in December when attacked by a Cape Buffalo. We coninue to honour him as a member of our Group.

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Simon Combes...
Richard Sloan (1935-2007)
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Rainforest Art
Since the first taste of the Amazon and the staggering amount of life that it supports, I have been consumed with trying to document as much as I can of an ecosystem so fragile that it is constantly endangered by man's attempts to exploit it. So here, I give you a little piece of my Jungle. Many of the Animals I've painted are seriously endangered and their futures uncertain.

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Richard Sloan (1935-2007)...
Mel Dobson
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Wildlife and Nature
For over two and a half decades Mel has recorded nature's wild inhabitants and has discovered the best part of life is nature; its wild places, its wild animals and birds.

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Mel Dobson...
Robert Kray
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

wildlife painting and illustration
From an early age Bob has been focused on wildlife art. It is Bob's hope that upon viewing his work, people will take more interest in respecting and preserving wildlife and it's surroundings.

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Robert Kray...
Gregory McHuron
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Landscape and Wildlife in Oil and Watercolor
Gregory I. McHuron is a plein-air painter working in oil and watercolors. He primarily paints wildlife and landscapes through out the United States and Canada. He always wanted to be an artist and began sketching at an early age.

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Gregory McHuron...
Cheryl Battistelli
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Pastel on sandpaper
I take great delight in using my abilities as an artist to give glory to God, the intelligent designer of our beautiful planet and all flora and fauna inhabiting it. My goal is to reflect to the best of my ability, both the brilliance and beauty of His creation, even if in the smallest and most mundane of creatures.

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Cheryl Battistelli...
Angela Drysdale
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

African Wildlife Art, Landscapes and Portraits in Oil and Pastel
Having lived and travelled through many countries in Africa, Angela's art opens a door to the continent that takes us on an amazing safari across desert, through jungle and over the open savannah. Her passion for people, landscape and wildlife is captured in her work. Now back in Europe Angela continues her support of wildlife conservation by portraying a wealth of images and memories to canvas and paper.

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Angela Drysdale...
Marilyn Newmark
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Equine Bronzes
The sculpture of Marilyn Newmark is a vital artistic expression of her love and devotion to horses, around which most of her life revolves. Her models are produced as uniques, limited editions or by commission. She has done work for the Franklin Mint, and many equine groups.

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Marilyn Newmark...
Brenda Carter
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Wildlife paintings
Canadian born, Brenda Carter is an award winning painter of Canada's Natural Heritage. Brenda has spent over 30 years studying and painting in the field. In 1999 she completed 514 field studies of North American birds.

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Brenda Carter...
Allen Weidhaas
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Wildlife and sporting sculpture
For over 20 years, Allen worked primarily in wood so he could control the extreme detail for which he became known but also worked in bronze, stone, and fired clay. In 1997, Allen returned to working in lost wax cast bronze sculpture in limited editions. He continues to do one-of-a-kind woodcarvings, but there is a new emphasis on the bronze sculpture.

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Allen Weidhaas...
Del Filardi
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Birds of Steel
Del Filardi, an award winning sculptor, is listed in "Dictionary of American Sculptors:
18th Century to the Present" and is a member of the Society of Animal Artists, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club and the Artists For Conservation ( formerly the World Wide Nature Artists Group) "Her technical knowledge transcends the realm of realism and
enters into a field of an art of arrested beauty."

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Del Filardi...
Terry Isaac
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Birds and mammals of North America.
Internationally acclaimed wildlife artist, Terry Isaac, grew up in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, and it is there that he began his love affair with wildlife. Drawing inspiration from his own backyard and from the captivating vistas of the Northwest, he began to create dramatic wildlife art. He now calls Penticton, British Columbia, Canada home.

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Terry Isaac...
Larry Chandler
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Sporting dogs (Labrador Retrievers), birds of prey and other wildl
Larry paints a variety of subject matter, but his popular sporting dog portraits have brought him the acclaim that has earned him commissions in several fields of wildlife art & nature art. He has been National Artist of the Year for Ducks Unlimited (twice), Quail Unlimited, Waterfowl USA and his art hangs in the Smithsonian Institution and has done artwork for The Franklin Mint, and many others.

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Larry Chandler...
Hap Hagood
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

Contemporary Wildlife Sculpture in Wood, Stone, and Bronze
Contemporary in technique, Hap Hagood's sculpture is an expression of the essence, the inner spirit, that is the inherent nature of a thing. For Hap, capturing and expressing this essence in his sculptures is of the utmost importance; in hopes the viewer will not only see the beauty of the animal portrayed, but will also feel its undying spirit.

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Hap Hagood...
Stanley Meltzoff
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

painter of game fishes in the water
Sadly, Stanley Meltzoff passed on November, 2006. This page remains as a memorial to one of the all-time finest gamefish painters. Award-winning painter Stanley Meltzoff focusses on the sea. Painting gamefish in the water, his fish paintings have appeared inside and on covers of such publications as National Geographic, Field and Stream and Sports Illustrated.

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Stanley Meltzoff...
Graham Jahme
- Nature Art | Wildlife Art

African Wild Life, Land & Sea-scapes
Graham is very particular about the preciseness and accuracy of the animals he paints, taking great time and care of their body proportions in order to making them appear as realistic as possible. He is very well known for his elephant paintings.

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Graham Jahme...
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(Samples of Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Painting

"Magnificent Frigate Birds - Tobago, West Indies."
By Stephen Quinn
16 x 12
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wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Sculpture

"Pig Tales"
By Christine Knapp
7.7 x 10.1 x 8 (inches)
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