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Dancing Hawk, Justin
Riley, Laurie
Anderson, Walt
Riggs, Pat
Parker, Natalie
Ivester, Taylor
Brooks, Sandy
Ross, Carleen
Barrett Justis, Suzanne
Bowring, Emma
Mgona, George
Mayo, Tony
Roshensky, Nancy
McNeil, Kelly
Patterson, Matt
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By Justin Dancing Hawk
(Recently Updated Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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Dancing Hawk, Justin
Navarro, Chris
Hoselton, Beth
Dumas, Michael
Chunat, Wayne
Riley, Laurie
Anderson, Walt
Rusin, Len
Riggs, Pat
Qureshi, Ahsan
Prescott, David
Parker, Natalie
Lomas, Craig
Ivester, Taylor
Morgan, Jason
Rossin, Linda
Venditti, Jerry
Herzog, Linda
Karstad, Aleta
Scheidt, Bill
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(Nature Art & Wildlife Art Events featuring WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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  Artist Name Specialty
USA Altenburg, Tom
Animals, Landscapes, and Western Equine Art
Canada Armstrong, Rosemarie Oil paintings that illuminate our natural world.
Canada Arnett, Stuart Wildlife Conservation Artist.
USA Bach, Del-Bourree marine, water, coastal, tidal areas, landscapes, b
Canada Ballantyne, Sheila Inspired by the wonder and beauty of creation.
Canada Banks, Patricia Landscapes, Seascapes & Wildlife Paintings
united Kingdom Barron, Anne Wildlife, animal and people portraits
USA Baselici, Sarah Nature, Wildlife and Endangered Species
Canada Belair, Suzanne Oil painting, mixed media depicting indigenous plants and nature
USA Berner, Sally Realistic North American wildlife, domestic animals & pet portraits
USA Besse, Linda
Original Oil Wildlife Paintings
UK Bissell, Lauren Wildlife
Canada Bowerman, Barry Wildlife, Landscape
USA Brailas, Jeffrey plein air painting, mythological and allegorical paintings
Canada Butler, Rob Watercolour paintings of birds and expedition landscapes
Canada Carter, Brenda Wildlife paintings
USA Chunat, Wayne
USA Coheleach, Guy American and African big game and birds
Combes, Guy Animals, people, landscapes of East Africa
Canada Condon, RoseMarie Landscape, Flora, Fauna in Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor
Canada Cooke, Brent
Birds of Prey, Songbirds, Marine Life
Canada Coombes, Bryan Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, gouache
UK Corless, Anne I am constantly inspired to create artwork of the natural world!
USA Curry, Dennis wildlife& nature in orig. print & oils
France Dache, Christian Watercolours
Canada Dansereau, Jodie Wildlife Paintings and Conservation
USA Davis, Daniel Watercolor Paintings of Tropical Birds
USA Dobson, Mel Wildlife and Nature
UK Drysdale, Angela African Wildlife Art, Landscapes and Portraits in Oil and Pastel
USA Duffek, Kim Wildlife art and illustration
Canada Dumas, Michael
Realistic interpretation of nature.
USA Dunphy, Kathleen Nature Art, Landscapes, plein air
USA Easton, Raymond Specializing in the birds of North America
Canada Eichler, Theresa Wildlife and Wilderness Art
USA Erickson, Mary plein air landscapes, birds, coastal scenery, marsh, dunes, shorebirds
Canada Erikson, Lynn Acrylic on Canvas, watercolour
USA Feltner, Linda Nature and Wildlife Art
USA Filler Scott, Jeanne Nature and Animals
USA Fiorentino, James Watercolor
USA Fischbein, Karen Underwater Photography
USA Foggett, Lindsey
Wildlife and Nature
USA Fox, Susan Specializing in the animals, land and people of Mongolia
USA Franson, Sunny wetlands, wildlife, open spaces
USA Gage, Cindy Wildlife (birds,fish, big cats, N. American) in Photo Deta
USA Gallup, David Art of the Deep
USA Ganz, Tykie wildlife, Birds and animals with acrylics, and woodcarvings
USA Golightly, Paula Wildlife and Landscapes
USA Goller, Carrie Nature art in oil, encaustic, egg tempera and mixed media
New Zealand Goulding, Fiona Nature Artist
USA Griffin, Patricia Contemporary Wildlife Artist
Australia Grogan, Laura
Watercolour, pastel, ink and acrylic Australian wildlife paintings
Japan Hamanaka, Setsuo Marine Wildlife and Seascapes in Oils
USA Harlan, Celebrate the Beauty of Nature in Oil Paintings
Canada Haycock, Kathy Paintings From Nature
United Kingdom Hayward-Harris, Martin Bronzes, Watercolours, and Etchings
Helgren, Kenneth Wildlife in their Native Habitat - American West
UK Heselden, Russ Wildlife in the landscape; oil, acrylic and mixed media
Canada Hobson, Mark Painting - Acrylic, Oil & Watercolour
USA Hobson, Edward True-to-Life Pastel Paintings of Wildlife and Wild Places
USA Holt, Mary Louise Depictions From Nature's Past & Present
Canada Hoselton, Beth
nature art
Canada	Isaac, Terry Birds and mammals of North America.
United Kingdom Jahme, Graham African Wild Life, Land & Sea-scapes
USA Janosik, Jon Portraits of Birds of the World
Australia Jesic, Stephen Wildlife in their natural habitat
Canada Jessen, Mary Jane Contemporary environmental paintings
Canada Johnson, Kevin Wildlife and Nature works in Pencil
Canada Johnson, David Bruce Sculpture in Wood and Stone
Canada Kamin, Jason Wildlife, Landscape and Western Art
Germany Kappel, Hans
Canada Karstad, Aleta
2-d Nature Art
Bulgaria Katrandzhiev, Valentin Fine Art, Acrylic Painting and Photography
USA Kirchner, Leslie Wildlife Artist
USA Kissinger, Megan Acrylic Painting
Japan Kobayashi, Eriko Nature and birds, animals in watercolor
USA Koonce, Jack Wildlife, Domestic Animal Genre, Landscapes
Canada Kopeschny, Barbara North American Nature and Landscapes
USA Krishnan, Krish Author - Artist - Traveler
USA Kurlan, Whitney Wildlife (African & Asian species) equine, landscape conservation
USA LaFogg-Docherty, Deborah Wildlife and Landscapes
Canada Lang, Linda Dawn
Climate Change Paintings of the Arctic and Antarctica
Canada Lantz, Yvette Birds
USA Latham, Rebecca Watercolor Paintings of Wildlife & Nature In Miniature
USA Latham, Bonnie Wildlife & Nature Paintings in Miniature
USA Latham, Karen Watercolor Paintings In Miniature - Painting the Details
Kenya Laurence-Rowe, Karen African wildlife paintings - equine - portraits
USA Lawrenson, C. Frederick
Australia Lear, Sandi Watercolour Wildlife & Seascapes
USA Lindamood, Patsy Wildlife Paintings in Pastel, Colored Pencil
Canada Lopatina, Olena
Canada Lozeron, Emily
Sweden Lundwall, Bo Wildlife Paintings
USA Lutz, Jan Landscapes and Wildlife Paintings
Canada Mansell, Patricia North American and Endangered Species
Australia Marshall, Pete Wildlife,Animals & Seascapes
Canada Mayo, Tony Refined Sculpture and Hyper Detailed Painting and Drawing
Australia McClelland, Cathy Australian Bird, Wildlife & Landscape Artist
USA McHuron, Gregory Landscape and Wildlife in Oil and Watercolor
Canada Milligan, Billy-Jack Wildlife
USA Millington, Marti Fine Art Inspired by Nature
USA Munkittrick, Dianne
Nature Artist
Canada Nash, Ken Realscapes: photorealistic acrylic landscapes
Canada Nicholls, Calvin wildlife and nature scenes in archival paper
Japan Nishino, Kentaro Airbrushed Wildlife Art.
Canada Nogy, Arnold
USA Nordwall, Solveig Graphite and Colour Pencils
USA O'Sullivan, Mary Louise Wildlife Oil Paintings -focus on aquatic wildlife.
USA Osborne, Leo Sculpture, Painting & Poetry
Canada Palmer, Wendy Nature Artist - Wildlife, Landscape and Floral
Canada Pape, Michael Wildlife Fine Art Paintings & Prints
USA Parkinson, Linda
Watercolors, birds and wildlife
Canada Pepin, Patricia Wildlife Paintings
USA Perry, Marcia Marine wildlife, Wildlife, airbrush acrylic.nature. Symbolic
Canada Phillips, Murray Painting the western wilderness
USA Place, Sandra Pastel, Acrylic, Drawing, Photog. - Landscape,Birds,I
Canada Plaizier, Ron Wildlife Artist specializing in Birds, Birds of Prey and Landscapes
USA Polito, Kay Paintings of birds, animals, and habitat
USA Popp, Betsy Oil Painting, Wood Sculpture, Pastel, Pencil
Prescott, David Wildlife, Western, Big Cats, Birds of Prey, Domestic, Landscape
USA Quinn, Stephen Wildlife Art, Natural History Dioramas
USA Rankin, David
Transparent & Plein Air Watercolors - Landscapes,Birds, Tigers, India,
USA Reece, Parks Original Paintings, Lithographs and Reproductions
Iran Refahi, Leila Visual artist_ painter
USA Renn, Vicki Wildlife/Roadside Elegance, Watercolor
USA Rich, Andrea Woodcut Prints, Bronze Sculpture
UK Ridley, Martin Wildlife and Landscape Paintings - Martin's studio is in Scotland
Canada Rogers, Valerie Nature and Wildlife Artist
USA Rossin, Linda Birds, Mammals, Fine Art Miniatures
United States Rusin, Len Wildlife,Landscapes and Plein Air
USA Ryan, Maria Contemporary Wildlife Paintings
UK Sainsbury, Jonathan
Oil,Watercolour, Charcoal and Watercolour, Charcoal.
Canada Sample, Esther west coast seashores, landscapes, sea life
Canada Sampogna, Margit contemporary realism
USA Savage, Patricia Flowers and Landscapes in Pastel and Watercolor
USA Scheidt, Bill Wildlife and Western
USA Schlenker, Robert Wildlife & Landscape Paintings
USA Seerey-Lester, John Wildlife and Figurative
Canada Serediuk, John Wildlife
Canada Sharkey Thomas, J. Painting, Drawing, Modeling, and Computer Graphics
UK Shepherd, David Wildlife Art
UK Shimeld, Susan
Wildlife Artist, Natural History Illustrator
Mexico Siegmann, Naomi sculpture relating to nature
USA Sloan (1935-2007), Richard Rainforest Art
USA Snoots, Karin Seascapes and Wildlife
USA Solberg, Morten Wildlife, Landscape, Figure, Floral, Native Indian, Hunting, Fly Fishi
Canada Sorensen, Linda Landscape, Wildlife , Plien Air
Canada Sorley-Keichinger, Cindy wildlife in natural habitats
Canada Sowden, Peggy Painting Landscape and wildlife in Acrylic, Watercolour ,and charcoal
Tanzania Stolberger, Sue African Wildlife in Oils and Watercolours
USA Strohschein, Sandra Watercolor, Acrylic
USA Sutton, Linda
Transparent Watercolors, Wildlife, Landscape & Plein air
Australia Temple, Sandra Realistic flora & fauna in all mediums
USA Thompson, Martha Nature Art
Canada Tiessen, Josh International Award-Winning Professional Fine Artist
United Kingdom Truss, Jonathan African mammals, landscapes, big cats
USA Van Rijn, Eva Landscape and Wildlife Art
CANADA Vanderpas, Margarethe Landscapes and waterscapes of Georgian Bay & Lake Superior
USA Venditti, Jerry Trompe L'oeil
Canada Vik, Lyn Wildlife / Nature
USA Walden, Christopher Realistic Wildlife & Landscape Paintings
USA Walker, Linda
Oil & Scratchboard
Australia Watson, Pat Birds and mammals in their natural environment
USA Weber, Katherine contemporary abstract nature watercolors
Weisberg, Kathryn Nature and Wildlife
U.K. Wellman, Gregory Wildlife, Landscapes, Pets & Portraiture
USA Wheeler, Rick Scratchboard, watercolor, acrylic, oil
USA Whitehouse, Kitty Original Wildlife Paintings - North American and East Africa Wildlife
Canada Whiting, Jeffrey Nature sculptures, paintings and pencil drawings
Australia Wiegmink, Paula Wildlife oils, acrylic, pastel, mixed media & watercolour


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(Samples of Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Painting

By Hans Kappel
70 x 60
Oil on canvas
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Sculpture

"Stormy Sunrise."
By David Prescott
12 x 36 x 1 (inches)
$2900wildlife art paintings
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Becci Crowe's
Michael Dumas wins Best of Show
LOBO, Stories of a Golden Wolf
Dr. Guy Harvey Receives Top Florida State Honor
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