Total Originals Committed: 2758
Total Editions Committed: 2436
All Art for ConservationTM
BirdLife International
BirdLife International is a global alliance of national organizations dedicated to conserving bird species and their habitats. 43 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Conservancy of Canada
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has been working to protect Canada's most threatened natural habitats and the endangered species. 23 artwork(s) for sale
Cousteau Society
4 artwork(s) for sale
Friends of Great Swamp
The Friends of Great Swamp was established in 1999 by local citizens in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide support to the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. 31 artwork(s) for sale
Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
PAWS is dedicated to the protection of performing animals, to providing sanctuary to abused, abandoned and retired captive wildlife, to enforcing the best standards of care for all captive wildlife, to the preservation of wild species and their habitat and to promoting public education about captive wildlife issues. 23 artwork(s) for sale
The Owl Foundation
The Owl Foundation is a non-profit conservation organization that operates a centre for the rehabilitation to release status of Canadian Owl species. 11 artwork(s) for sale
Carolina Tiger Rescue
The Carolina Tiger Rescue provides sanctuary to animals and promotes conservation through education. 15 artwork(s) for sale
Action For Cheetahs In Kenya (ACK)
Our mission is to promote the conservation of cheetahs through research, awareness and community participation in Kenya. We link with other carnivore programmes through Carnivores, Livelihoods and Landscapes 10 artwork(s) for sale
Pollyanna Pickering Foundation
The Pollyanna Pickering Foundation raises funds and campaigns for conservation and animal welfare in the UK and worldwide 4 artwork(s) for sale
Sierra Club
The Sierra Club is an advocate for the environment locally and globally. It has been instrumental in preserving wilderness, wildlife and nature's most splendid wild places including Yosemite National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, the Florida Everglades, and the Sequoia National Monument. 4 artwork(s) for sale
Maasiland Preservation Trust
8 artwork(s) for sale
African Wildlife Foundation
The African Wildlife Foundation works to ensure the wildlife and wild lands of Africa will endure forever. 52 artwork(s) for sale
Endangered Species Fund of Canada
The Endangered Species Fund of Canada (ESFC) gives financial assistance to Jungle Cat World Wildlife Park to support their public education and conservation. 10 artwork(s) for sale
Wolf Conservation Center
8 artwork(s) for sale
McKenzie River Trust
The McKenzie River Trust is a nonprofit land trust for the protection of critical habitat and scenic lands in the McKenzie basin in western Oregon. 29 artwork(s) for sale
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
The Foundation responds promptly to conservation threats, supporting trusted, reputable individuals and organisations operating in the field. 11 artwork(s) for sale
Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)
The SPCA is all about protecting animals There are related societies in many countries 44 artwork(s) for sale
Painted Dog Conservation Organisation
The Painted Dog Conservation Organisation's mission is to conserve and increase the range and numbers of the painted dog (Lycaon pictus) both in Zimbabwe and elsewhere in Africa. 51 artwork(s) for sale
African People and Wildlife Fund
The African People & Wildlife Fund (APW) works to conserve Africa's wildlife, protect their natural habitats, and to promote village development through innovative, multidisciplinary strategies that emphasize coexistence with the natural world. 12 artwork(s) for sale
Wilderness Society
The Wilderness Society brings to bear scientific expertise, analysis and bold advocacy at the highest levels to save, protect and restore America's wilderness areas 4 artwork(s) for sale
Trumpeter Swan Society
The Trumpeter Swan Society (TTSS) is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to assuring the vitality and welfare of wild Trumpeter Swan populations. 4 artwork(s) for sale
Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited's mission is to conserve, protect and restore North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. 2 artwork(s) for sale
Houston Zoo
The Houston Zoo provides a fun, unique, and inspirational experience fostering appreciation, knowledge, and care for the natural world. 6 artwork(s) for sale
American Bird Conservancy
American Bird Conservancy (ABC) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit membership organization which conserves native birds and their habitats throughout the Americas by safeguarding the rarest species, conserving and restoring habitats, and reducing threats while building capacity in the bird conservation movement. 35 artwork(s) for sale
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Central Florida
2 artwork(s) for sale
BirdWatch Ireland
BirdWatch Ireland is the leading voluntary conservation organisation in Ireland, devoted to the conservation and protection of Ireland's birds and their habitats. 4 artwork(s) for sale
SAFE For Animals
SAFE For Animals - this is a national New Zealand charity which focuses on animal rights and advocacy. SAFE stands for Save Animals From Exploitation. 18 artwork(s) for sale
African Fund for Endangered Wildlife
AFEW's established the first educational nature sanctuary in independent Africa. 10 artwork(s) for sale
Jane Goodall Institute
The Jane Goodall Institute is a global nonprofit that empowers people to make a difference for all living things. 15 artwork(s) for sale
Timber Wolf Alliance
Timber Wolf Alliance (TWA) promotes and assists in achieving a sustainable population of wolves through public education in the western Great Lakes region. 9 artwork(s) for sale
Ocean Conservancy
Ocean Conservancy promotes healthy and diverse ocean ecosystems and opposes practices that threaten ocean life and human life. 29 artwork(s) for sale
Rare and Endangered Species Trust (REST)
The REST supports the study of rare and endangered species in Namibia and helps develop and facilitate solutions to community, national and international problems with these species. 4 artwork(s) for sale
Artists for Nature Foundation
Artists for Nature Foundation (ANF) brings together renowned artists from all over the world to endangered locations. 9 artwork(s) for sale
International Crane Foundation
The International Crane Foundation (ICF) protects and restores wild crane populations and their ecosystems. 65 artwork(s) for sale
Ducks Unlimited Canada Inc.
73 artwork(s) for sale
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation
The Center for Biodiversity and Conservation is based at the American Museum of Natural History. It's mission is to mitigate critical threats to global biological and cultural diversity by: advancing scientific research in diverse ecosystems; strengthening the application of science to conservation practice and public policy; developing professional, institutional, and community capacity; and furthering the Museum's efforts to heighten public understanding and stewardship of biodiversity. 8 artwork(s) for sale
Amphibian Ark
The AArk is a joint effort of 3 principal partners: the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG), and the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG). They were formed to address the ex-situ components of the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan (ACAP). 12 artwork(s) for sale
Panthera currently focuses its range-wide conservation strategies on the world's largest, most imperiled cats – tigers, lions, jaguars and snow leopards – and is planning conservation strategies for cheetahs, leopards and mountain lions. Panthera also supports research and conservation activities on populations of other cat species, as well as initiatives to improve felid research techniques and methodology. 3 artwork(s) for sale
East African Wild Life Society
EAWLS is committed to promoting the conservation and wise use of East Africa's wildlife and the environment. 5 artwork(s) for sale
Wildlife Protection Association of Australia
conserve, protect and preserve the wildlife of Australia by all lawful means. 5 artwork(s) for sale
Aja, Douglas |
Anderson , Cher |
Armstrong, Rosemarie |
Arnett, Stuart |
Ascough, Stephen |
Bach, Del-Bourree |
Banks, Patricia |
Barron, Anne |
Baselici, Sarah |
Belair, Suzanne |
Berner, Sally |
Besse, Linda |
Bielanski, Nansi |
Billingsley, Cindy |
Bomblies, Kirsten |
Bowerman, Barry |
Boyce, Peta |
Breger, Varda |
Brooks, Caroline |
Brun, Hilde_Aga |
Butler, Rob |
Cameron, Clarence |
Chadwick, Gloria |
Chandler, Larry |
Chunat, Wayne |
Cogley, Elizabeth |
Condon, RoseMarie |
Cooke, Brent |
Coombes, Bryan |
Corless, Anne |
Correll, Reggie |
Crowe, Becci |
Dansereau, Jodie |
Davis, Daniel |
deKramer, Karyn |
Dhairyam, Sunita |
Donovan, Tim |
Dreyer, Rob |
Drysdale, Angela |
Duffek, Kim |
Dunn, Kathleen |
DuPuis-Rosen, Linda |
Easton, Raymond |
Eichler, Theresa |
Ellison, Lyn |
Erickson, Mary |
Erikson, Lynn |
Feltner, Linda |
Ferguson, Vicki |
Fiorentino, James |
Fischbein, Karen |
Fisher, Cynthie |
Foggett, Lindsey |
Franson, Sunny |
Frazier, Phyllis |
Frolking, Chris |
Funke, Annika |
Gallup, David |
Geib, Rick |
Gengler-Copple, Deb |
Golightly, Paula |
Goulding, Fiona |
Griffin, Patricia |
Grogan, Laura |
Gylling, Gemma |
Hallett, Mark |
Hamanaka, Setsuo |
Hamilton, Lorna |
Hardcastle, Thomas |
Hargreaves, Julia |
Harlan, |
Harrison-Parsons, Linda |
Harvill, Kitty |
Haycock, Kathy |
Hayward-Harris, Martin |
Heaton, Janet |
Heselden, Russ |
Hill, LaVerne |
Hobson, Edward |
Holt, Mary Louise |
Hough, James |
Hughbanks, Debbie |
Hughes, Mike |
Ingham, Barry |
Ingles, Margaret |
Isaac, Terry |
Ivanyi, Rachel |
Jahme, Graham |
Janosik, Jon |
Jessen, Mary Jane |
Johnson, David Bruce |
Johnson, Kevin |
Kamin, Jason |
Kappel, Hans |
Katrandzhiev, Valentin |
Kissinger, Megan |
Kitler, David |
Knapp, Christine |
Kobayashi, Eriko |
Koensgen, Joseph |
Kopeschny, Barbara |
Kurlan, Whitney |
LaFogg-Docherty, Deborah |
Lantz, Yvette |
Latas, Pat |
Lear, Sandi |
Lidstrom, Esther |
Lindamood, Patsy |
Lopatin, Vladimir |
Lopatina, Olena |
Lozeron, Emily |
Lutz, Jan |
Mansell, Patricia |
Marshall, Pete |
Mathews, Terry |
Maynard, Chris |
McClelland, Chris |
McCune, Michelle |
McManiman, Candy |
McQueen, Larry |
Middleton, Kim |
Milligan, Billy-Jack |
Millington, Marti |
Morgan, Jason |
Munkittrick, Dianne |
Murray, Robin |
Nash, Ken |
Nicholls, Calvin |
Nicholls, Alison |
Nishino, Kentaro |
Nordwall, Solveig |
Orlando, Ron |
Palmer, Wendy |
Pape, Michael |
Parkinson, Linda |
Parsons, Victoria |
Perry, Marcia |
Pickering, Pollyanna |
Place, Sandra |
Plaizier, Ron |
Polito, Kay |
Popp, Betsy |
Prescott, David |
Quinn, Stephen |
Qureshi, Ahsan |
Rankin, David |
Reece, Parks |
Renn, Vicki |
Rentsch, Werner |
Reuter-Twining, Diana |
Rogers, Valerie |
Rossin, Linda |
Saenz, Eleazar |
Sainsbury, Jonathan |
Scheidt, Bill |
Scotchford, Judy |
Seerey-Lester, John |
Serediuk, John |
Sharkey Thomas, J. |
Sheard, Kathleen |
Shimeld, Susan |
Snoots, Karin |
Solberg, Morten |
Sorensen, Linda |
Sorley-Keichinger, Cindy |
Sowden, Peggy |
Stanley, Eva |
Starkevich, Colin |
Stewart, James |
Stolberger, Sue |
Strelive, Uta |
Studwell, Judy |
Sutton, Linda |
Temple, Sandra |
Theriault, Colette |
Thompson, Martha |
Thumbar, Chirag |
Van Rijn, Eva |
Vanderpas, Margarethe |
Venditti, Jerry |
Versteeg, Diane |
Vik, Lyn |
Walden, Christopher |
Walker, Linda |
Walsh, Frank |
Watanabe, Yasuo |
Weber, Katherine |
Weisberg, Kathryn |
Wellman, Gregory |
Wheeler, Rick |
White, Taylor |
Whitehouse, Kitty |
Wiegmink, Paula |
Woodall, Terry |
Woodbury, Ellen |