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Monday, January 20, 2025
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By Justin Dancing Hawk
(Recently Updated Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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Dancing Hawk, Justin
Navarro, Chris
Hoselton, Beth
Dumas, Michael
Chunat, Wayne
Riley, Laurie
Anderson, Walt
Rusin, Len
Riggs, Pat
Qureshi, Ahsan
Prescott, David
Parker, Natalie
Lomas, Craig
Ivester, Taylor
Morgan, Jason
Rossin, Linda
Venditti, Jerry
Herzog, Linda
Karstad, Aleta
Scheidt, Bill
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Conservation is a word that no one takes for granted anymore. There was a time when the word conjured up images of colourful flora and fauna in abundance; everyone appreciated nature's wonders, yet only a few understood and respected the delicate balance of our fragile ecosystem.  Today, that same word brings fear to the hearts of many as the world comes to the realization that what has been lost is now gone forever, and what remains needs protection. 

While I am extremely saddened by the loss of species in the world, and distraught by the systemic ecological collapse that looms, I am encouraged by the growing awareness and will to do what is necessary to preserve our species and habitats and ensure a sustainable future rich with diversity. These plights are particularly close to the heart of all nature artists - individuals who dedicate their lives to communicating to the world through their art, of the beauty and wonder that is nature.

The Artists for Conservation Foundation (AFC) not only supports environmental education through artistic renderings - immortalizing today's wonders in sculptures, water colours, sketches and other media - but also does so by actively supporting the study of endangered species and threatend habitats and by helping to raise funds for conservation organizations worldwide. 

I am also extremely excited about the future of our very special organization. We are now in the advanced stages of our first annual juried art exhibition and conservation fundraiser, to be combined with a publication and international touring exhibit, scheduled for 2008. Ten years after our inception, we are in the extraordinary position to leverage the largest and greatest pool of talent in the nature art world today, in coordinated fashion to support our mission which is "To support conservation of wildlife and habitats, biodiversity, sustainability and environmental education through nature art". 

As President and Founder of the AFC, I would like to thank you for your support and trust you will be inspired by the beautiful artwork created by our members.


Jeffrey Whiting
President & Founder
Artists for Conservation Foundation 

Please feel free to contact Jeff directly if you have any questions. Jeff can be reached by email at jwhiting@natureartists.com.

Find out more about Jeff and his artwork at www.natureartists.com/jeffrey_whiting.asp


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(Samples of Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Painting

"Egg Race"
By Linda Herzog
16 x 20
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Sculpture

"Into the Sun"
By  Harlan
36 x 48 x 1.5 (inches)
Oil on Canvas
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